October-November Highlights
Pacifica String Quartet Department of Music 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22 Pacifica String Quartet, artists-in-residence at the University, will perform Beethovens String Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 74, Harp; Ligetis String Quartet No. 1, Metamorphoses nocturnes; and Mendelssohns String Quartet in F minor, Op. 80. The quartet is comprised of violinists Simin Ganatra and Isabel Trautwein, violist Kathryn Lockwood and cellist Brandon Vamos. The concert will take place at Mandel Hall, 1131 E. 57th St. Donations are requested at the door: $10 general, $5 students. 702-8069.
Upcoming Womens Soccer Games All games listed will be played at home.
3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22
1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 24
2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27
1:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30
20th annual Humanities Open House Humanities Division Saturday, Oct. 23 A daylong series of more than 40 presentations by humanities faculty and staff members renowned for their expertise in literature, linguistics, music, drama, film, art and philosophy. One-hour presentation sessions begin at 9:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. and examine topics such as Tibetan ritual and civil rights, the Bosnian War, the uses of linguistics in the development of voice software (with Professor John Goldsmith, pictured at left), the work of Eudora Welty and Chekhov, Gregorian chant, and women in jazz. A keynote address titled Toward Global Justice: Personal and Institutional Responsibility in an Interlocking World will be delivered at 11 a.m. by Michael Green, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, and Martha Nussbaum, the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor in Philosophy, Law and Divinity. Admission is free, but registration is required. Registration will take place at 8:30 a.m. in Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St. 702-4847. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/openhouse.
Department of Music 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30 Under the direction of Barbara Schubert, the University Symphony Orchestra will present special Halloween concerts with costumes, storytelling, special effects and guest appearances by Motet Choir. The orchestra will perform March to the Scaffold from Berliozs Symphonie fantastique, Wagners The Flying Dutchman Overture, Dvoraks tone poem, The Water Goblin, Infernal Dance of King Kaschei from Stravinskys Firebird and In the Hall of the Mountain King from Griegs Peer Gynt. The concert will take place in Mandel Hall, 1131 E. 57th St. Donations are requested: $6 general, $4 students and children. Audience members are encouraged to come in costume. 702-8069.