
Oct. 9, 1997
Vol. 17, No. 2

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    Coming to campus

    TODAY Hoop Dreams producer Gordon Quinn 4 p.m., Cobb 307 Award-winning filmmaker Gordon Quinn (A.B.'65), a founder of Kartemquin Films and executive producer of Hoop Dreams, will introduce his 1963 DOC Films production, The College, plus clips of other films and will talk about becoming a professional filmmaker.

    Ambassador Bill Richardson 7 p.m., Reynolds Club Ambassador Bill Richardson, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, will hold a town meeting with students on the importance of the U.N. to the United States. A 1997 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Richardson is the first Hispanic to serve in a foreign policy cabinet-level position.

    OCT. 15 Actress Drew Barrymore 10 a.m., Ida Noyes Hall Actress Drew Barrymore is scheduled to talk about women's health issues, particularly contraceptive choices and preventing sexually transmitted diseases. The discussion is free and open to the public.