
Dec. 5, 1996
Vol. 16, No. 7

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    Schramm appointed to Argonne board

    David Schramm, Vice President for Research and Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor in Physical Sciences, has been appointed to the University's Board of Governors for Argonne National Laboratory.

    As Vice President for Research, Schramm is responsible for coordinating the University's academic and scientific relationships with Argonne. He also leads the University's analysis of, and response to, government science and research policies, and he chairs the University Research Council and oversees the Office of Research Administration.

    The former chairman of Astronomy & Astrophysics, his research has focused on the theoretical studies of astrophysics, cosmology and the interface of nuclear and particle physics with astrophysics. He also has studied stellar evolution and supernovae, neutrino astrophysics, nucleochronology, black holes and particle physics.

    Also appointed to the board were Cora Marrett and Deborah Wince-Smith.

    Marrett is professor of sociology and Afro-American studies at the University of Wisconsin and a founding member of the board of governors, previously serving from 1982 to 1990. She recently returned from a four-year leave as assistant director for social, behavioral and economic sciences at the National Science Foundation.

    Wince-Smith is a senior fellow at the Council on Competitiveness. The council is a non-profit coalition of chief executives from leading businesses, academia and organized labor aimed at improving the competitiveness of U.S. industry and raising the nation's standard of living.

    Argonne National Laboratory is operated by the University as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratory system.