Recycling program expands; deskside pickup at some sitesAn expanded recycling program, with deskside paper pickup and permanent bins in offices for newspaper, glass and cans, has been implemented by UCRecycle and Facilities Planning & Management in eight buildings on campus. University employees in the Administration Building, the Biological Sciences Learning Center, Ingleside Hall, Reynolds Club, Rosenwald Hall, Stuart Hall, Walker Museum and the Young Building have new, plastic deskside recycling bins for paper collection. Admiral Custodial will now empty these bins on Tuesdays and Thursdays; deskside trash cans will not be emptied on these days. Employees in Walker, Stuart, Rosenwald, Young and the Biological Sciences Learning Center have also received new, smaller trash cans that can be hooked onto one end of a recycling bin like a saddle basket, emphasizing the need to throw less in the trash. Admiral Custodial will also now collect newspaper, glass bottles and cans from new, blue plastic bins located in central areas. Custodians will pick up flattened cardboard, too, from all offices in the pilot program. At the end of the pilot program, the results will be reviewed, and it is expected that the program will be expanded to all campus buildings, said James Cahillane, Recycling Coordinator. "Last year we recycled nearly 300 tons of office paper from academic and office buildings. Once the pilot program is campus-wide, I expect that we will come close to 500 tons per year of office paper alone," Cahillane said. A list of materials that can be recycled on campus is available by contacting UCRecycle at 702-3415 or