
Sept. 29, 1994
Vol. 14, No. 3

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    Summer News Update


    A $2 million grant from the LaSalle Adams Fund pushed the University's Campaign for the Next Century over the $400 million mark.

    The grant will endow the Sydney Stein Jr. Professorship of Public Management in the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies. It will also establish a fund to support public-management research by the Stein Professor.

    The $405.5 million total raised so far represents 81 percent of the campaign's five-year goal of $500 million, with two years to go.

    The new professorship endowed by the LaSalle Adams Fund honors Sydney Stein Jr. (Ph.B.'23), a Life Trustee of the University who was deeply concerned about questions of public policy. He shared his wealth and his time generously with the Harris School and its predecessor, the Committee on Public Policy Studies. Stein died in 1991.


    Jack Fuller, president and publisher of the Chicago Tribune, and Harvey Plotnick (A.B.'63), president and chief executive officer of Contemporary Books Inc., were elected to the Board of Trustees on June 10.

    Fuller was named publisher of the Chicago Tribune in June and has been president and chief executive officer of the Tribune since September 1993. He won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing in 1986.

    He is a member of the Visiting Committee to the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the author of five novels.

    Plotnick (A.B.'63) is a member of the Alumni Association Board of Governors, co-chairman of the Major Gifts component of the Campaign for the Next Century and chairman of the Visiting Committee to the College & Student Activities. He is also a member of the University Endowment Association.

    Plotnick has been president and chief executive officer of Contemporary Books Inc., a publisher of nonfiction trade books, since 1967. Since 1993, when Contemporary Books was acquired by the Tribune Company, Plotnick has served as chief executive officer responsible for educational publishing activities in the Tribune Company.


    Peter Vandervoort, Professor in Astronomy & Astrophysics, was reappointed Master of the Physical Sciences Collegiate Division for a three-year term, and Robert Perlman, Professor in Pediatrics, was reappointed Master of the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division for a one-year term. Perlman will be succeeded in July 1995 by Jose Quintans, Professor in Pathology, who will work with him over the next year before assuming sole responsibility for the position.

    Quintans, a recipient of the Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 1986, teaches Immunobiology 208 and 209 in the College and the first-year course in immunology in the Pritzker School of Medicine. His research focuses on apoptosis, the process responsible for controlled cell death in multicellular organisms.


    Thomas Holt, the James Westfall Thompson Professor in History and one of the nation's leading scholars of African-American history, was appointed to the National Council on the Humanities, which is the advisory board for the National Endowment for the Humanities.

    Holt is one of 10 people named to the board by President Clinton. The nominations were confirmed by the U.S. Senate in July.

    A University faculty member since 1987, Holt is president of the American Historical Association.


    Anthony Bryk, Professor in Education and Director of the Center for School Improvement at the University, has been named Adviser to the General Superintendent of Chicago Public Schools.

    Bryk will advise on research, assessment, accountability and policy analysis for Chicago Public Schools. The yearlong arrangement is a pro bono contribution of Bryk's time by the University. In his new position, Bryk will divide his time between University responsibilities and the public schools. He has been a University faculty member since 1984.


    The Center for the Study of Central Banks, the Law School's newest research program, opened July 1. The center is chaired by Geoffrey Miller, the Kirkland & Ellis Professor in the Law School.

    The center will conduct and sponsor research on the impact of central banks -- banks designed to control the money supply in a given nation -- on the economic, political and social development of countries around the world. The center will hold conferences with central bank governors and financial experts and is also planning to produce a monthly newsletter and a scholarly journal.

    The Center for the Study of Central Banks is on the sixth floor of the Law School. The executive director is Kathleen Hinton-Braaten, a graduate of the Law School.


    The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project received the Amoco Foundation's first Amoco Partner Award in recognition of UCSMP's work in improving school mathematics for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

    UCSMP materials, which include textbooks and teacher-development packages, are designed to raise the level of U.S. students' performance in mathematics to that of their counterparts in other countries.

    Amoco has been a partner with UCSMP since the project was founded in 1983 and has provided it with $8.4 million in grants to date.


    Mary Ellen Sheridan, a leading university-research administrator and consultant, was appointed Assistant Vice President for Research and Director of Research Administration.

    Sheridan, who joined the University late spring quarter, since 1992 had been both senior manager in the higher-education division at David M. Griffith & Associates, based in Northbrook, Ill., and senior consultant with the Ohio State University/Ohio State University Research Foundation.

    From 1989 to 1991, she concurrently held the positions of acting associate vice president for research administration at Ohio State University and vice president for administration at Ohio State University Research Foundation. From 1977 to 1987, she was associate vice president for research at SUNY at Binghamton. She also taught chemistry at both universities.


    Dennis Barden was appointed Assistant Vice President for University Development & Alumni Relations. Barden had been Assistant Dean and Director of Development for the Law School for the past seven years.

    In his new position, Barden is the chief operating officer for the Development Office under Randy Holgate, Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations. He will manage activities in the offices of Special Gifts, Annual Funds, Corporate & Foundation Relations, Donor Relations, Gift Planning and Research Services. He will also coordinate University solicitations by all campus fundraising departments.


    Kathryn Stell (J.D.'86) was appointed Assistant to the Provost, Deputy Dean of Students and Director of the Coordinating Council for Minority Issues (CCMI) by Provost Geoffrey Stone. The appointment was based on the recommendation of a search committee. Stell had served as Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Public Service Placement at the Law School for the past five years.

    CCMI works to intensify support systems among minority students at the University, with a special emphasis on coordinating minority-student recruitment across the graduate divisions. The group also works to help all faculty, staff and students become more sensitive to the minority experience at the University.


    Kimerly Rorschach, former coordinating curator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, was named Director of the David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art. She also serves as Lecturer in Art.

    Rorschach served as curator of art at Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia from 1984 to 1989 and was an independent art historian before joining the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1993. She has organized exhibitions for more than 10 years. Among her most recent shows are "Marie Laurencin: Portraits and Visions," to open at the Katonah Museum of Art in 1997, and "The Human Figure 1800-1950: Selections From the Philadelphia Museum of Art," which will tour five cities in Japan this year. She also has published numerous essays and exhibition catalogs on European art and gardens.

    TER MOLEN DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL FUNDS Matthew Ter Molen was appointed Director of Annual Funds, with responsibility for the College Fund, Graduate Fund, Parents Fund and Friends Fund. He had been Acting Director of Annual Funds since September 1993. Ter Molen joined the University in 1990.



    George Edward Block, the Thomas D. Jones Professor in Surgery and a pioneer in the development of new techniques in gastrointestinal surgery, died of cardiac arrest July 17. He was 67.

    Block was one of the world's leading authorities on the surgical treatment of colon and rectal cancer and of inflammatory bowel disease -- ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. He performed thousands of operations, developing new techniques and refining established ones to improve surgical results and reduce complications.

    A veteran of the U.S. Army Medical Corps during the Korean War, he remained active in the reserves, attaining the rank of colonel. He joined the Chicago faculty in 1960 and remained on the surgical staff for the next 34 years. He won numerous awards and honors in his lifetime, and he served as a visiting professor or named lecturer at nearly 100 universities and medical centers.


    Robert McCaul (Ph.D.'54), Associate Professor Emeritus in Education and an expert in the history of education, died July 23 in his Hyde Park home. He was 81.

    McCaul wrote or edited many works on educational issues and leading figures in education. In particular, he was an authority on the contributions of John Dewey, Professor in Education at Chicago at the turn of the century and founder of the Laboratory Schools. McCaul taught at the Laboratory Schools from 1939 to 1943, when he began service in the Army Air Force. He returned to the University in 1946 and retired in 1978. WILLIAM MORGAN, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS

    William Wilson Morgan (A.B.'27, Ph.D.'31), the Bernard E. and Ellen C. Sunny Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in Astronomy & Astrophysics and one of the leading contributors to 20th-century astronomy, died June 21 at his home in Williams Bay, Wis. He was 88.

    Morgan, a University faculty member since 1936, conducted research at the University's Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay for more than 60 years, first as a student and then as a faculty member. He was widely recognized for his discovery of the spiral arms of the Milky Way and for his system for classifying stellar brightness and spectra.


    Manley H. Thompson Jr. (A.B.'38, A.M.'38, Ph.D.'42), Professor Emeritus in Philosophy, a pre-eminent scholar in metaphysics and an expert on the philosophical work of Immanuel Kant and C.S. Peirce, died June 9 in his Hyde Park home after a long illness. He was 77.

    Thompson joined the Chicago faculty in 1949 and retired in 1987. From 1960 to 1969, he was Chairman of Philosophy. He was a past president of the American Philosophical Association. His works include the book The Pragmatic Philosophy of C.S. Peirce (1953) and Metaphysics (1964), one of five monographs in the philosophy volume of Princeton University's Humanistic Scholarship in America series. CORNELIUS HAMEL

    Cornelius "Con" Hamel, a graduate student in Romance Languages & Literatures since 1984, died July 11 in St. Cloud, Minn., after a long illness. He was 35.

    Hamel had been on the faculty at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, Minn., for the past five years. He was working on his dissertation with Rene de Costa, Professor in Romance Languages & Literatures. Hamel also was a Lecturer in the College for more than two years and had taught at Columbia College.


    Wesley Jensen, a former Research Associate in Medicine and a scientist at the University for 25 years, died June 11. He was 68.

    Jensen had been a staff scientist in the Gastroenterology Section in Medicine from 1965, when he came to the University as a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow, until his retirement in 1990.