
Oct. 28, 1993
Vol. 13, No. 5

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    Court Theatre to present three free events this fall

    Court's fifth annual open house, which will feature an exploration of repertory theater, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, as part of the daylong Humanities Open House (see page 3). Actors will discuss the art of developing multiple characters -- up to four characters at once -- for "The Triumph of Love" and "Cloud Nine." Visitors will also learn the secrets of how a set is transformed for rotating productions.

    "Mad Forest," by Caryl Churchill, author of "Cloud Nine," will be read by members of University Theater at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 2. The performance will be directed by Charles Newell, Associate Artistic Director of Court Theatre. Churchill wrote "Mad Forest" after a trip to Romania during which she experienced the events surrounding the fall of Nicolae Ceausescu in 1990.

    "The Rehearsal" by Jean Anouilh will be read by Center Theater Ensemble members and Court Theatre artists at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 30. "The Rehearsal" follows a group of actors rehearsing Marivaux's "Double Inconstancy" and confusing the lines between fantasy and reality.

    All events are free and open to the public. To reserve a seat, call the Court Theatre box office at 753-4472.