Staff vacancies, program listings available electronicallCurrent faculty, staff and students who have an electronic-mail address that ends in "" can now view the weekly staff job postings as well as a listing of all vacant staff positions at the University on the Academic & Public Computing (APC) "Gopher" server. In addition, beginning Oct. 15, listings of all training programs available to University employees will also be accessible on the Gopher server. A Gopher server allows computer users to "go for" information that many institutions on the Internet publish and maintain. Access can be gained by using either Gopher (UNIX), PC Gopher III (IBM) or TurboGopher (Macintosh) software. The University job listings and vacancies will be among the documents available on these services. The weekly job listings will be accessible only to University of Chicago computer users. Users outside the University will be able to access only the general vacancy list, which is composed of positions that have not been successfully filled by an internal candidate. The free Gopher software for your computer can be obtained from two campus file servers--Room Service and the software archive on the central Sun server. For information on how to access these file servers and how to use freely copyable software, see the APC Resource Guide, which is available at Usite and at the Campus Computer Stores on the third floor of the University Bookstore building. If you do not have a computer or if your computer does not have an Ethernet connection, you may use the program already on the computers at the free campus computing sites. These sites and other computing facilities on campus are listed in the APC Resource Guide. A handout that contains more details on how to access the job postings and training listings is available at the receptionist's desk in Ingleside Hall. For technical questions beyond that, refer to the APC Resource Guide or call the Academic & Public Computing hotline at 702-3111.