University’s annual Giving to Help campaign gets underway
Each year, University faculty and staff reach out to help others through the Giving to Help Campaign for the United Way and Other Charities. This organized, University-wide effort to raise money for human- and community-service agencies successfully raised a total of $271,000 in 2003. This year, President Randel hopes that sum can be increased to $300,000, and with more staff participating. The campaign kicked off Wednesday, Nov. 3, at the home of Hank Webber, Vice President for Community and Government Affairs, when Randel addressed department representatives who have volunteered to serve as “coaches” for their areas of the University. Representatives of several local service agencies spoke about the importance of institutional giving campaigns such as Giving to Help. Campaign information packets were mailed to members of the faculty and staff through Faculty Exchange earlier this month. Individual donations are personalized, allowing participants the opportunity to directly contribute through payroll deduction to charities of their choice. Hyde Park businesses and others in Chicago are supporting the University’s campaign efforts by donating prizes for the annual Giving to Help prize giveaway, into which donors are automatically entered with any level of giving. Prizes include a paid day off, gift certificates, theater tickets, athletic memberships and other incentives. In support of the campaign, Randel wrote in his letter to University faculty and staff members: “We often do not fully realize the impact our generosity has on the futures of others. Together we can make a world of difference.”