Sereno welcomes first ‘wrinkle face’ to the fossil record
|  Paul Sereno, Professor in Organismal Biology & Anatomy, poses with a reconstruction of the head and skull of Rugops, a wrinkle-faced, meat-eating dinosaur whose cousins lived as far away as South America and India. Sereno and his team discovered Rugops in the African Sahara. The new species, which is 95 million years old, and a second new meat-eating species Sereno found on a separate expedition, help fill gaps in the evolution of carnivorous dinosaurs in Africa. The species are described in a paper published online Wednesday, June 2, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences. Measuring about 30 feet long in life, the animal had a short, round snout and small, delicate teeth. The Rugops model is on display at the Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Ave., through Monday, Sept. 6, as part of the African Dinosaurs exhibition. The National Geographic Society, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Pritzker Foundation, and Nathan Myhrvold funded Sereno’s research. |
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