Eight years, two presidents
 Last month, family, friends and colleagues of former Provost Geoffrey Stone (center), the Harry Kalven Jr. Distinguished Service Professor in the Law School, gathered for a reception at the Law School to celebrate his years of service as the senior officer of the University under the President. A member of the faculty since 1973 and former Dean of the Law School, Stone served from 1994 to 2000 with Hugo Sonnenschein (at left), President Emeritus, Honorary Trustee and the Charles L. Hutchinson Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and the College. Stone also has served with President Randel (at right) during the past year and a half. Stone, who stepped down from the Provost position to return to teaching and research in the Law School, is succeeded by Richard Saller, the Edward L. Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor in History and former Dean of the Division of Social Sciences, who began serving as Provost on Tuesday, Jan. 1. |