
Oct. 5, 2000
Vol. 20 No. 2

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    Ifill, Broder bring to Mandel Hall Washington Week in Review on Oct. 20

    Washington Week in Review, the longest-running public affairs program on the Public Broadcasting System, will broadcast before a live audience from Mandel Hall, 5706 S. University Ave., from 2 to 3 p.m., Friday, Oct. 20.
    [gwen ifill]
    Gwen Ifill

    A panel of guest journalists, hosted by Gwen Ifill, will include University alumnus David Broder, a national political correspondent, author and widely acknowledged dean of American political journalism. Broder was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for distinguished commentary.

    At the University, Broder earned an A.B. and an A.M. in political science. His twice-weekly column on American political life appears in the Washington Post and 300 other newspapers. Broder makes regular appearances on Washington Week in Review as well as CNN’s Inside Politics and NBC’s Meet the Press.

    The award-winning news program Washington Week in Review is now in its 30th year on the air and is regularly hosted by Ifill. Other panelists joining her in Mandel Hall will be Gloria Borger of U.S. News and World Report and Richard Berke of The New York Times.

    The program will be taped for national broadcast the same evening. It also will air from Monday, Oct. 23 through Wednesday, Nov. 22, on the program’s Web site: http://www.pbs.org/weta/wwir/. The program airs locally on WTTW-Channel 11 on Fridays at 8 p.m.

    Free tickets may be reserved up to 10 days in advance, beginning Monday, Oct. 9. To reserve a seat, please contact the Reynolds Club Box Office at (773) 702-7300. Seats should be reserved early as the taping will be open to the general public in addition to the University community.