
March 30, 2000
Vol. 19 No. 13

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    Student organizations join artistic forces to create Doc Films trailers

    By Jennifer Leovy
    News Office

    Students from three campus organizations––Doc Films, Fire Escape Productions and University Theater––joined artistic forces to produce two new Doc Films trailers during Spring Break. The trailers will debut in Spring Quarter, when Doc Films opens its first concessions stand in its 68-year history.

    Will Schmenner, chair of Doc Films, said the scripts, written by Lucy Thomas, are meant to encourage spectators who bring concessions into the theater to respect Max Palevsky Cinema, which opened in 1986.

    Although the anti-trash message is clear, the students are probably producing the only preshow trailer that contains the line, “He has become nothing but a woefully derivative postmodern bricoleur (handyman).”

    Schmenner said plans are being finalized to install a new counter in the cinema lobby, stocked with traditional movie fare––soda, candy and popcorn.

    Nima Bassiri, director of the trailers, and Tony Gannon, director of photography, are members of the filmmaking group Fire Escape. They primarily have cast University Theater actors for the roles in the trailers, but audiences can expect a few surprise cameos from several campus notables.

    “The trailers are designed to be humorous and helpful reminders for Doc audiences to successfully clean up after themselves when in the cinema,” said Bassiri. “The creative union of UT, Doc and Fire Escape is a productive example of the potential success RSOs (Recognized Student Organizations) can achieve when working together to further mediate the beneficial scope of student activities.”

    Doc Films is the longest continuously running student film society in the nation, showing movies every night of the academic calendar year.