
March 2, 2000
Vol. 19 No. 11

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    ‘Moove’ over Cows on Parade
    Laboratory Schools students are bringing back memories of last summer’s popular “Cows on Parade” outdoor art display, as they create their own smaller versions of the famous bovines for the Connections 2000 benefit on Saturday, March 11, at the Museum of Science and Industry. Students, faculty and friends of Lab are decorating 20 of the cows, which have been “adopted” by sponsors and will go on display at Lab the week before the benefit. Students will vote on their favorite cows before the herd moves to the museum for the big evening, when they will be auctioned to the highest bidders. All auction proceeds will benefit the Schools. More information is available at (773) 702-0578.
    [lab cows] by bruce powell