
March 2, 2000
Vol. 19 No. 11

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    March Chronicle Calendar Highlights

    The University of Chicago Presents
    Pianist Stewart Goodyear
    8 p.m. Tuesday, March 14

    Through the generous support of Regents Park at Hyde Park, The University of Chicago Presents features one concert each season that showcases an artist new to Chicago audiences. This year’s Regents Park Discovery Concert will feature pianist Stewart Goodyear (left), an active composer and native of Toronto. His compositions have been performed by a variety of artists, and he has appeared with several major symphony orchestras, including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Buffalo Philharmonic and the Detroit Symphony. His debut Chicago recital will feature Mozart’s Sonata No. 11 in A Major, K. 331; Chopin’s Scherzo No. 2 in B-flat minor; Debussy’s Images, Set I; Prokofiev’s Sonata No. 6 in A Major, Op. 82; and a new work by Goodyear himself. Mandel Hall, 1131 E. 57th St. 702-8068. http://www.culturefinder.com. $10 general; $5 students.

    [stewart goodyear]
    [karen abuzayd] Human Rights Program
    Karen Koning AbuZayd Lecture
    6 p.m. Thursday, March 2

    Sponsored by the University Human Rights Program, Karen Koning AbuZayd (left), regional representative to the United States and the Caribbean for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, will present a lecture titled “Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons––Same Problems, Different Treatment?” A reception will precede the lecture. Pick Hall Lounge, 5828 S. University Ave. 834-0957. human-rights@uchicago.edu. Free.

    [hms pinafore] Department of Music
    Gilbert & Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore
    7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 9
    8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, March 10-11
    2 p.m. Sunday, March 12

    The University Chamber Orchestra and the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company will present four performances of Gilbert & Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore, including the Chicago premiere of a newly discovered aria titled Reflect, My Child! All proceeds will benefit the Department of Music’s 11 performance organizations. Mandel Hall, 1131 E. 57th St. 702-8069. http://music.uchicago.edu. $40 patron; $15 general; $8 students. Tickets are available online at http://www.culturefinder.com or by mail through March 3 only. Call (773) 702-9075 to request an order form. After March 3, tickets will be on sale outside Mandel Hall one hour prior to each performance.

    Graham School of General Studies
    Theater Symposium
    10:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m. Sunday, March 12

    Nicholas Rudall, Associate Professor in Classical Languages & Literatures (left), has written a new translation of Euripides’ classic Medea for the American Theatre Company. Participants in this symposium will hear lectures and participate in discussions about Medea, as well as view Rudall’s production at the American Theatre Company. 1909 W. Byron. 834-0157. $85.

    [nicholas rudall]
    The Renaissance Society
    “Pierre Huyghe: Re/Extended”
    Sunday, March 12, through Sunday,
    April 23

    One of France’s leading young talents in the field of video, Pierre Huyghe exposes the subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways in which culture and entertainment are handled as material substances subject to industrial regulation. Huyghe bases “Re/Extended” on Sydney Lumet’s award-winning film starring Al Pacino, Dog Day Afternoon. He brings archival news footage of the actual robbery on which the film is based together with excerpts from the film and footage of John Wojtowicz (pictured left), whom Pacino portrayed in the film. With this collaboration of film footage, Huyghe examines the intersections between film, filmic reality, reality as memory, and reality as constructed by the media. Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday: noon-5 p.m. Cobb Hall, Room 418, 5811 S. Ellis Ave. 702-8670. http://www.renaissancesociety.org. Free.


    University of Chicago Calendar of Events