Boden will serve again as Dean of Rockefeller ChapelBy Arthur FournierNews Office
The Rev. Alison Boden, an ordained minister I am delighted to announce that Alison has agreed to accept a second term as Dean of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, President Sonnenschein said. The Review Committee, after speaking with deans, faculty, students, chapel staff, campus ministers and religious leaders in the community, reported the highest and warmest praise for Alisons intelligence, commitment and ecumenical approach. She has devoted her energies to supporting the spiritual growth of students, faculty and staff and to preparing young women and men for citizenship in a multireligious society, he continued. Boden received her masters degree in divinity from the Union Theological Seminary in New York and also holds a masters degree in philosophy from the University of Bradford. Prior to accepting her first term as Dean of Rockefeller in 1995, Boden served as university chaplain at Bucknell University. Currently, she is preparing a dissertation on human rights and gender with a special emphasis on conflicts between the rights to religious expression and the human rights of women.